23 February 2014

Decisiones Irracionales

Les hablaré un poquito sobre el comportamiento irracional. No el de ustedes, por supuesto, sino el de otros.

Después de estar algunos años en el MIT, me di cuenta que no es emocionante escribir artículos académicos. No sé cuántos de estos lean, pero no es divertido leerlos y con frecuencia escribirlos tampoco; escribirlos es incluso peor. Así que decidí intentar escribir algo más divertido y se me ocurrió la idea de escribir un libro de cocina y el titulo de mi libro de cocina iba a ser "Comer sin migajas: El arte de comer sobre el fregadero de la cocina." (Risas) E iba a ser una perspectiva de la vida a través de la cocina, lo cual me tenía muy emocionado; iba a hablar un poco de mis investigaciones y un poco de la cocina. Hacemos tantas cosas en la cocina que pensé que sería interesante. Escribí un par de capítulos y los llevé a la editorial del MIT donde me dijeron que estaba lindo pero que no era para ellos, que buscara a otros. Intenté con otras personas y todas me decían lo mismo: "Lindo pero no para nosotros."

20 February 2014

Cómo cambiar el directorio de sincronización de BOX


You can customize the location of the local Box Sync folder by specifying the folder path in a .plist file (com.box.sync.plist) that must be created in the /Library/Preferences/ directory. In this procedure, the Box Sync folder is saved to the desktop. 

To specify the Box Sync folder location in the .plist file, follow this procedure

  1. If you have already installed Box Sync 4.0 on your Mac and logged in for the first time, you'll need to uninstall Sync 4.0 before proceeding (see How do I install or uninstall Box Sync 4.0?).
  2. Delete any pre-existing Box Sync .plist files in the /Library/Preferences/ directory. Be aware that Box Sync .plist file(s) will exist if you previously tried to customize the Box Sync folder location.
  3. Open a new text file.
  4. Copy the following example and paste it into the new text file:
    <!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?--><plist version="1.0"><dict><key>SyncRootFolder</key><string>~/Desktop/Box Sync</string></dict></plist>
  5. In this text file, update the folder string location ~/Desktop/Box Sync with your desired path. Be sure to include the entire file path.
  6. Save this text file as com.box.sync.plist (a .plist file) in the /Library/Preferences/ directory (note that this directory is separate from the Users/userprofile/Library/Preferences directory). Be sure to save this as a plain text file. (You can save this file as plain text from the Format menu if you're using TextEdit on your Mac.)
  7. Install Box Sync 4.0. Box Sync will now read the .plist file and create the Box Sync folder in the new location.


To set the location of the Box Sync folder in Sync 4.0, you must set the registery key in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM) software settings before logging in to Sync 4.0 for the first time. If Sync 4.0 has already created the Box Sync folder in the default location, you must uninstall and reinstall Sync 4.0.

  1. If you have already installed Box Sync 4.0 on Windows and logged in for the first time, you'll need to uninstall Sync 4.0 before proceeding (see How do I install or uninstall Box Sync 4.0?). If you have not logged in to Sync 4.0, proceed to step 4.
  2. Delete the following folders:
    • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Box\Box Sync\
    • C:\Users\<username>\Box Sync\
  3. Install Sync 4.0 (see How do I install or uninstall Box Sync 4.0?).
  4. Once you have installed Sync 4.0 and before logging into Sync 4.0, set the folder location in the registry key:
    1. Open Registry Edit by going to the Start menu and searching for regedit.
    2. In the left pane, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > BOX > BoxSync
    3. In the right menu, right-click and select New > String Value. Name this new value SyncRootFolder.
    4. Right-click the newly created SyncRootFolder value, select Modify, and set the Value data to the required path. End the path with the name of the new Sync 4 folder. For example:
  5. Log in to Box Sync.

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